A state agency has contacted you to do a scientific assessment of kudzu in a nature preserve in southern Georgia. They are concerned about the effects of kudzu (the non-native invasive vine) on a small rare plant that grows on the forest floor in the preserve, but which is found nowhere else in the state.Kudzu is only growing in the east side of the preserve because it hasn't yet had time to invade further. In order to assess the effects of kudzu on the rare plant, you set up the following experiment:Site 1. On the east side of the park with the kudzu, you set up ten 1m x 1m plots on the forest floor. In each plot you count the number of individuals of the rare plant.Site 2. On the west side of the park without the kudzu, you set up ten 1m x 1m plots of the forest floor. In each plot you count the number of individuals of the rare plant.In this experiment, Site 2 is your:a) variable.b) control.c) replication.d) hypothesi

Answer :



b) control


An experiment, you control all variables. All except one variable should be the same between groups. The only variable that will change between groups if the one that you want to test the effect of. In experiments, you will need two or more groups; one of the groups should be the control. In the control group, the variable that you are going to test won't be present.

A control group is a group from which you will compare the results of the treatment group.

A variable is a factor; it could be dependent or independent. Dependent variables are those that you will measure, and they depend from independent variables. Independent variables are those that you will control.

Replication refers to the ability to reproduce the experiment. But in an experiment, you will need replicas, which are the number of plots (in this case) that you will use to calculate the effect.

A hypothesis is a possible explanation for the observation.

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