
Lunchroom Fight: Suspension Report
Suspension Report
1. What happened in the cafeteria? (Please identify sources of information)
2. In my judgment, the following student should be suspended:
My reasoning is as follows:

Lunchroom Fight: Suspension Report Student Suspension Report 1. What happened in the cafeteria? (Please identify sources of information) 2. In my judgment, the class=

Answer :

A group of kids were playing around and bumped into the new kid and the new kid took it the wrong way and they started fighting and they should both get suspended for fighting not just 1 because it was an accident:) i hoped this helped, i did this last week

From the reading of the text we can see that the students got involved in a fight, after an accident happened in the cafeteria.

This can be seen because the students' reports show that:

  • The students bumped into each other in the school cafeteria.
  • That moment caused a physical fight to break out between them.
  • It is possible that one of the students was a victim of bullying, as he said that he has been harassed for no reason by the student who bumped into him.

In this regard, you must establish your opinion based on your interpretation of this case. Do you believe this is a case where a suspension should be necessary or do you not believe that fights between students should not be taken too seriously?

It is important to remember that cases of violence and bullying should not be encouraged in the school environment, but fought as quickly as possible.

You can find more information about this at the link below:

${teks-lihat-gambar} annyksl

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